Glow in the dark balloons blue
Glow in the dark balloons blue

glow in the dark balloons blue

It’s easy to make glow in the dark invitations. You can give glow sticks products as party favors, use glow sticks decorations and put up black lights to help set off the phosphorescent glow and even hand out themed invitations that glow in the dark. Those having glow sticks parties can do well to match their glow in the dark theme with other accents for guests.

glow in the dark balloons blue

Party Supplies to match your theme party. Be sure to plan an assortment of party decorations, supplies, favors and foods that are generally bright and festive not all of these items have to directly relate to the glow stick concept. In most cases, party ideas for a glow stick party should extend well beyond the actual glow stick concept. Many glow sticks companies also sell LED light products such as plastic ice cubes, light up cups and even light up pool lights if you happen to have a pool. Make use of other glow or light up items to great effect as well. You can even connect several of the longer tubes together to make a rope to string along the patio railings or on stair banisters. Always using red and blue, you can scatter regular glow sticks tubes of just about any size from 1 inch to 22 inches on the tables or wrap the chair arms and legs with the tubing. Use glow in the dark party decorations items on your buffet table or as centerpieces on the tables where your guests will sit. Giving the guests glow sticks bracelets or necklaces to wear is also practical at this party so that you can keep track of everyone as they move around. You may also find Fourth of July themed pendants that will fit well with the party. Kids can have the same amount of fun running around with them and spinning them rapidly to create flashing messages in the air. For the kids in place of sparklers hand out glow stick tubes and the ever popular tornado glow stick with two colors spiraling down the plastic.

glow in the dark balloons blue

They make great party favors and you can usually find them fairly cheap. Red and blue glow sticks can be handed out and used in the decoration at your Fourth of July event to give that patriotic feeling. Glow in the dark party decorations feature lots of shimmering and glowing lights without the fear of burns from sparklers and homemade fireworks shows, since the glow stick produces a cool light from chemical reactions. Glow in the dark party decorations make an event more joyful and alive.

Glow in the dark balloons blue